Клише 4 задание английский устная часть. Егэ по английскому языку говорение речевые клише

24.01.2022 Мода и стильные тенденции

С6 – сравнение 2 картинок (7 баллов)

Максимальное количество баллов - 20

Задание С3

1) чтение вслух фрагмента информационного

или научно-популярного, стилистически

нейтрального текста

1 балл

Задание С3 - примерный вариант текста для чтения:

  • As soon as spring brings a new growth of bushes and berries, bears start feeding. They eat and eat. All through the spring and summer their feeding goes on. The bears build themselves up. They store food and fats that they will need in the fall when they start their long sleep.
  • As days grow shorter, and the temperature begins to fall, bears hunt for a sleeping place. It may be a shallow cave, or a deep crack between rocks. Some bears end up sleeping in hollow logs. Logs seem to be bears’ favourite places. Bears seem to choose small spaces. They can keep warmer in a cave that’s just large enough to hold them than in a larger cave. They often line their sleeping place with leaves and dried grass.
  • All through their winter naps, bears will not eat. Often they will sleep for 7 months, moving only now and then.

Задание С4

2) условный диалог-расспрос с

опорой на вербальную ситуацию и фотографию


5 баллов за 5 правильно заданных вопросов

С 4 - примерный вариант: запрос информации
  • You decided to visit the place and now you are calling to make some clarifications. In a minute you are to ask five questions to find out the following:

Внимание: данные выражения не являются вопросами:

  • What about…..

  • What can you tell me about……

  • I would like to know ……

Внимание: типичные ошибки

  • When do we departure ?

  • Where do we go to Japan?

  • How much does returning ticket cost?

  • May I buy the ticket on line?

Задание С5

3) создание монологического

тематического высказывания с опорой на

вербальную ситуацию и фотографию


7 баллов

Пример задания C5: Imagine that you are showing your photo album

to your friend. Choose one photo to present to

your friend. When presenting the picture

remember to mention:
  • when you took the photo

  • who/what is in the photo

  • what is happening

  • why you took the photo

  • why you decided to show the picture to your


  • Начните своё высказывание с представление темы (вступления – Well, I have chosen to show you photo number 1. You know, taking photos is my favourite hobby & I always take loads of photos wherever I go ).
  • Коснитесь тематики фотографии, но не описывайте слишком подробно. Используйте больше разнообразных прилагательных (+ fascinating, amazing, fabulous, picturesque, exciting, enjoyable; - tedious, boring, repetitive etc.).
  • Последовательно раскрывайте каждый пункт плана, используя полезные слова и выражения (The picture shows…/You can see…in the picture./There is/are…in the picture. I took this photo…while…The person/people in this photo is/are. Looking at it from his/her perspective, I would… He/She probably will…/He/She might… It seems/looks/appears to me that… As far as I can tell… I would say…
  • Помните об использовании средств логической связи (nevertheless, so, that’s why, then, and, but, too , etc.).

  • Аргументируйте расширенно только там , где требуется, не давая избыточных сведений.

  • Не используйте сложные грамматические структуры.

  • Не забудьте высказать своё мнение о фотографии и её сюжете в конце высказывания.

(0) Well, I have chosen to show you photo number 1. You know, taking photos is my favourite hobby & I always take loads of photos wherever I go.

(1) I took it a month ago when I was going on excursion with my class. I remember that day very well.

(2) In this photo you can see our bus driver . As you see , he looks very friendly. We have made friends with him.

(3) We were going to the State Darwin Museum and on the way he told us a lot of facts about wild life. By the way , he is from the northern part of Russia.

(4) Well , at that time I was doing a project on my future profession. That is why I took the photo . I have already had a lot of pictures of different people. And, you know , when I was a boy, I wanted to be a driver, too. So , I decided that it was not a bad idea to use this photo in my project. Although the job of a driver seems to me rather boring now,

(5) I would like to show the photo to you as he is very well-read and interesting person. And I believe he likes his job. You know the saying «Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life». And what are you going to be?

Задание С6

4) монолог - сравнение двух фотографий


7 баллов

Пример задания С6:

  • Study the two photographs. In a minute be ready to compare and contrast the photographs :

  • give a brief description (action, location)

  • say what the pictures have in common

  • say in what way the pictures are different

  • say which kind of music you’d prefer

  • explain why

  • Начните своё высказывание с представление темы (вступления). I would like to describe & compare these 2 pictures . Well, our life has changed dramatically in the recent years.

  • Уделите внимание сравнению фотографий, а не описанию каждой из них в отдельности (Both pictures show…/In both pictures…/In the first picture I can see… )

  • Вы должны отметить общие и отличительные черты предложенных фотографий - 2 сходства, 2 отличия (In picture 1, I can see… whereas/while picture 2 shows… One/Another similarity is that… What both pictures have in common is that… The main similarity/difference of these pictures is… Another important difference is (that)… In contrast, the second picture…)
  • Используйте разговорные клише и полезные фразы (In my opinion, In my view, In my mind, To my way of thinking, Personally, I’m of the opinion that, If you ask me, I’m of the belief that , The way I see it, As far as I concerned, From my perspective, The way I look at it, As far as I can see ).
  • Выскажите своё мнение и аргументируйте его , по возможности подкрепляя примерами.

  • Не молчите, заполняя возможные паузы выражениями Well…/Let me think…/You know…

  • В конце ещё раз повторите своё мнение, предпочтительно с использованием другой лексики.

I would like to describe & compare these 2 pictures. Well, our life has changed dramatically in the recent years. Nowadays people interfere in the wonderful world of nature more & more often. They destroy natural habitat of animals by cutting down forests, building & farming. That’s why the problem of keeping animals in zoos instead of letting them live in the wild is very acute. Well, both pictures show an animal, the bear. I would like to start with the first picture that shows a big polar bear in the zoo. The bear is sitting on a stone with its paws up. It is not looking at people, it seems that it is tired of so much attention. A lot of people have gathered near the open-air cage, taking pictures. As the people are wearing warm coats and caps, it is probably late autumn. The colours in this picture are grey and dark.

As for the second picture, it also shows a bear, but it is the brown bear. It is completely different from the first one as it shows the bear in the wild. In contrast to the first picture, the second one is full of bright colours: yellow flowers, green grass. It shows a summer day. The bear is busy, it is carrying a log. I like this picture more and not only because I like summer but also because I believe that keeping wild animals in the zoo is inhuman. Some people say that it is necessary for some educational purposes, to say nothing of entertainment.

All in all, both these pictures make me think of the wildlife. And I am sure that wild animals should live free in their natural habitat because they are part of nature.

Вы сдаете ЕГЭ по английскому? Значит, вам надо освоить такой непростой раздел, как говорение, или устная часть. Это задания С3, С4, С5 и С6 в варианте ЕГЭ. Больше всего ошибок выпускники делают именно в этих заданиях.

Мы подготовили для вас два реальных теста ЕГЭ по английскому и образцы выполнения этих тестов. В каждом из них – 4 задания. На этой странице - Тест 1

Задание С3 - чтение.

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Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Many lands that had once been swamps were drained or filled in. There are different reasons why people drained swamplands. Some were drained to fight diseases caused by insects that lived in them. Because swamps were considered unpleasant places in which to live and harmful to health, many people thought that unless they were drained the land was worthless.

Other swamps were drained to make new land. As the population grew and more land was needed, people drained swamps or filled them to make room for more farms and factories, more roads and airports.

Few people thought that it might be harmful to get rid of swamps. As swamps disappeared, other things happened. There were both more floods and more droughts than before. There were also more fires, for swamps had acted as firebreaks. Hunters noticed that there was less wild game. Wild life that once lived in the swamps was dying out, because it had no place to live.

Задание С4 – составить вопросы.

Task 2. Study the advertisement.
You are going to visit Japan this summer and you’d like to have more information about the flights to Japan. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five questions to find out the following:

1) departure dates
2) travel time
3) return ticket price
4) discounts for students
5) buying the ticket online
You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

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Пример выполнения задания:
1. What are the days of departures? (What are departure dates?)
2. How long will it take to travel?
3. How much does the return ticket cost? (What is the price of the return ticket?,
How much is the return ticket?)
4. Do you offer any discounts for students? (Are there any discounts for students available?)
5. Is it possible to book the ticket online?

Задание С5 – описание одной картинки.

Task 3. Imagine that you are showing pictures of your pets to your friend. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously. In your talk remember to speak about:
when you took the photo
what/who is in the photo
what is happening
why you took the photo
why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Don’t forget to start with “I have chosen photo number ….”

Пример выполненного задания С5:

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I have chosen photo number 1.
To begin with, people keep pets for different reasons. They make our lives more exciting and become the members of our family. They can also be our closest friends forever.

I took this photo last summer in our country house. We have got several pets and this dog is among them. All our pets are friendly and cute creatures.
Let me tell you a few words about this photo. In the background you can see a wonderful Russian landscape. In the foreground there is a wonderful lawn framed with lovely birches and bushes. In the centre you can see my elder sister Sveta and our dog Snowflake. We called him so because he is as white and fluffy as snow.
The weather is fine, sunny and warm. Snowflake likes to go for a walk very much. In the photo Sveta is telling him something to keep him calm. You can’t see me as I am taking the photo.
Taking this photo I wanted to start a collection of our pets’ pictures and to display it on the wall in our living room. Besides, the photos will always remind us of our pets.
I decided to show this picture to you because you told me a lot about your dog. Now it’s my turn to give you the first impression of my pet. Isn’t he friendly and cute?
I believe when you come to our place , Snowflake will accept you as his best friend.
That is all I wanted to tell you about this photo.

Задание С6 – сравнение и сопоставление двух фотографий.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
give a brief description (action, location)
say what the pictures have in common
say in what way the pictures are different
say which kind of life you’d prefer
explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

Пример выполненного задания C6:

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In our modern world some jobs are very important for our society.
Here are two pictures to compare and contrast on the topic. This is a photo of a man doing his job outside and that is a photo of a policeman standing on the side of the road.
These two pictures show jobs and this is the first similarity. The people in both pictures are wearing uniforms , and that is also what these pictures have in common. The weather is rather warm.
However, pictures are somehow different. The main difference is that in picture one we can see a worker , while in picture two there is a traffic policeman. Also, their actions are different: the worker is paving a sidewalk and the policeman is on duty watching the traffic on the road.
As far as I am concerned, the job of a traffic policeman (cop) is more important for the society because people of this profession are responsible for our safety and order on the roads. Besides, they control all drivers to keep and obey traffic rules. It is very important for all drivers and passengers’ lives.
I’ve come to the end of my speaking. Thank you for listening.

Очень хочется написать о том, почему устная часть ЕГЭ не отражает реальных разговорных навыков ученика, но сдержусь. Вместо этого обсудим более актуальные вопросы – из чего состоит говорение на Едином государственном экзамене и как его победить.

Задания устной части

Устная часть Единого государственного экзамена состоит из 4-х заданий :

  1. Чтение текста
  2. Диалог-расспрос с опорой
  3. Описание фотографии
  4. Сравнение двух фотографий

На все это отводится 15 минут . За правильное выполнение всех заданий можно получить 20 баллов .

Особенностью этой части экзамена является то, что он сдается на компьютере . Вы приходите в специально оборудованный класс и получаете диск с программой. Запускаете программу на компьютере, надеваете гарнитуру и следуете указаниям на экране. Посмотреть, как это будет выглядеть на экзамене, можно в онлайн тренажерах или . На дисплее вы будете видеть таймер, который поможет самостоятельно отслеживать время ответа.

Если с программой возникают какие-то сложности, вам поможет ассистент, который присутствует в классе. После записи каждого задания ученик сможет прослушать себя. Обратите внимание, что если ответ не записался, или записался с сильными помехами, нужно обязательно сказать об этом ассистенту! Если вы этого не сделаете, неправильно записанный ответ уйдет на оценку эксперту.

Чтение текста

Задание 1 устной части экзамена представляет собой чтение текста научно-популярной тематики. Легенда гласит, что вы готовитесь к докладу на иностранном языке и репетируете его перед другом.

На подготовку к заданию дают 1.5 минуты, и на чтение текста также отводится 1.5 минуты. Текст небольшой, так что вполне реально уложиться в это время.

Вот пример такого задания:

Критерии оценивания

За задание можно получить всего 1 балл , если “речь воспринимается легко: необоснованные паузы отсутствуют; фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры, произношение слов без нарушений нормы. Допускается не более пяти фонетических ошибок, в том числе одна-две ошибки, искажающие смысл”.

Ошибкой, искажающей смысл, считается:

  1. Замена звука, которая приводит к изменению смысла слова. Например, live произносится с долгой гласной – leave, cut – как cart. Или put произносят с гласной “а” в середине, а science – с двумя согласными в начале.
  2. Неправильная постановка пауз при чтении текста.

К простым фонетическим ошибкам относят:

  1. Неправильное чтение предложений с перечислением (должно быть с восходящей интонацией)
  2. Неправильная интонация утвердительных предложений (должна быть с нисходящим тоном)
  3. Неправильная постановка логического ударения (оно должно падать на слова, несущие основной смысл в предложении – скорее всего, это существительное или глагол)
  4. Неправильное произношение звуков, типичных для английского языка, подмена их произношения на русские звуки: [θ], [ð], [w], [h], [ŋ], [ɜ:]
  5. Отсутствие «связующего r» (linking r) – то есть, озвучивание конечной r/re в позиции перед гласной, если с гласной начинается следующее слово (например, where is…, there are …)


На самом деле, получить за первое задание максимум – 1 балл – не представляет труда.

Как я тренирую чтение вслух с учениками:

  1. Выбираю текст (беру тексты для чтения из учебников Solutions уровня Intermediate и Upper-Intermediate – они там озвучены), слушаем.
  2. Общими силами разбираем непонятные места.
  3. Ищем подходящий по размеру отрывок.
  4. Просматриваем его и отмечаем смысловые паузы вертикальными черточками – | .
  5. Подчеркиваем слова, несущие смысл (все служебные – артикли, предлоги, местоимения, вспомогательные глаголы – игнорируем).
  6. Слушаем отрывок еще раз и повторяем за диктором, потом ученик читает сам.

Потом задаю на дом этот же алгоритм и слушаю ученика на уроке. Ниже пример разобранного таким макаром текста:

Про правила чтения, которым я уделяю внимание при подготовке, я уже писала в , и . Это статьи про ОГЭ, первое задание в обоих экзаменах очень похоже. Также по ссылкам вы найдете упражнения на изученные звуки.

  • Тренируйтесь дома с диктофоном, прослушивайте себя и отмечайте ошибки. Так как на экзамене вы столкнетесь с шумовыми помехами в лице других студентов, которые начнут говорить вместе с вами и будут вас раздражать, советую еще при тренировке включать телевизор или радио для имитации этого самого раздражителя.
  • Если вы не знаете, как читается слово (например, shallow) – вспоминайте, как читаются похожие слова (narrow) и читайте по аналогии. При подготовке настойчиво рекомендую произношение всех трудных слов сверять со словарем
  • Делайте паузы на знаках препинания и выделяйте интонацией самостоятельные части речи
  • Не торопитесь! 90 секунд вполне достаточно, чтобы в спокойном темпе прочитать весь текст
  • Если вы поняли, что прочитали какое-то слово неправильно – перечитайте его правильно. Засчитан будет только последний вариант прочтения слова.
  • Перед устной частью экзамена с утречка проговорите один вариант дома

Для подготовки к этой части экзамена я, как всегда, рекомендую задания с сайта ФИПИ , а также следующие книги:

Репетитор английского м Отрадное подробно разбирает задание С5 устной части нового демонстрационного варианта ЕГЭ по английскому 2017. С нами вы хорошо сдадите говорение ЕГЭ.

1 Описание задания С6

В этом последнем задании устной части ЕГЭ нам предлагается сравнить две фотографии. Выбора не дается – что присутствует в варианте, то и сравниваем.

Главная цель этой статьи состоит в следующем: убедить вас, что в говорении ЕГЭ по английскому языку у вас очень мало свободы самовыражения. Если вы делаете все правильно, ваша речь совершенно стандартна и почти безлика. От этого никуда не деться – это порождается следующими факторами:

1 Жестким форматом экзамена – очень мало времени на подготовку и само выступление

2 Жесткой фиксацией тех пунктов, которые надо отразить в своей речи.

Если вы не отразили какой-то пункт, вы теряете баллы. Ели вы его не отразили потому, что вы вставили строчки уровня Шекспира, и прочитали их, как Эдмунд Кин, вы не получите дополнительных баллов, и ваша оценка останется низкой. Да, эксперты, скорее всего, тонко улыбнутся и поцокают языками. Но это все, что вы приобретете, возможно, потеряв при этом бюджетное место в выбранном университете. Выбор за вами.

Если вы хотите получить максимальные баллов, ваша речь должна быть на 60-80% стандартной.

Покажем один из вариантов этого стандарта.

2 Практический пример из демоверсии ЕГЭ 2017

В качестве примера мы снова берем задание по говорению из демонстрационного варианта ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2017.

Читаем задание

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

Give a brief description of the photos (action, location)

Say what the pictures have in common

Say in what way the pictures arc different

Say which of the ways of reading a book presented in the pictures you"d prefer

Explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

Обратим внимание, что в 4 пункте содержится прямое указание, на чем надо сделать акцент – на способах чтения. В данном случае – электронное и на бумаге.

A lot of people like reading . (1 – вступительная фраза)

In these pictures we can see people reading something. (2) In picture 1 there is a girl reading something on her tablet. She is relaxing on a comfortable sofa. The room is nice . In the background we can see several bookshelves with some books and CDs . (3-6 – описание picture 1)

In picture 2 we can see a girl on a train. She is standing next to the window and reading a book. There are not many people there. (7-9 – описание picture 2)

These two pictures have something in common. In both pictures the girls are reading. What is more, both girls are enjoying their books. (10-12 – что общего)

On the other hand, the pictures are different. In picture 1 the girl is reading at home. Moreover, she is reading electronically on her tablet. In contrast to picture 1, the girl in picture 2 is reading while travelling . More than that, she is reading a paper book. (14-17 – контраст, т е противопоставление фото)

As for me, I prefer reading electronically because I can get all the books I want Besides, it’s better when the light isn’t perfect. (18-19 – личные предпочтения и почему)

That’s all I wanted to say. (20) (Заключительная фраза)

Как всегда, в квадратных скобках – вариант для продвинутых.

Несмотря на указание сказать 12-15 фраз, у меня для полноценного описания этих фото получилось 20 фраз. Это – верхний предел того, что вы можете успеть сказать. То есть, в реальном ответе надо ориентироваться на 15-17 фраз. Все мои предложения простые, я не использую and. Почему? Чтобы не получилось меньше 12 фраз, я не хочу потерять баллы на таком техническом моменте, как количество предложений.

3 Сколько стандартного?

Выделим стандартные вещи, которые практически не меняются и не зависят от набора фотографий:

A lot of people like reading .

In these pictures we can see people reading something. In picture 1 there is a girl reading something on her tablet. She is relaxing on a comfortable sofa. The room is nice . In the background we can see several bookshelves with some books and CDs.

In picture 2 we can see a girl on a train. She is standing next to the window and reading a book. There are not many people there.

These two pictures have something in common. In both pictures the girls are reading. What is more, both girls are enjoying their books.

On the other hand, the pictures are different. In picture 1 the girl is reading at home. Moreover, she is reading electronically on her tablet. In contrast to picture 1, the girl in picture 2 is reading while travelling . More than that, she is reading a paper book.

As for me, I prefer reading electronically because I can get all the books I want Besides, it’s better when the light isn’t perfect.

That’s all I wanted to say.

Если выкинуть все в квадратных скобках, имеем 175 слов, 82 из которых стандартны. То есть, в моем варианте 47% стандартного. На деле, процент еще выше, поскольку вы от варианта к варианту вы говорите практически одно и то же, совсем с небольшими вариациями.

4 Хотите 7 баллов за это задание и 100 за ЕГЭ по английскому?

Если да, то:

1 В начале 11 класса сформируйте свой стандарт, и не отступайте от него при подготовке. Вашу индивидуальность отражает выбранный вами стандарт.

2 Все время тренируйтесь с контролем времени, чтобы привыкнуть к интервалу в 2 минуты. Самое простое – ставить таймер со звуковым сигналом.

3 Тренируйтесь либо под выбранную музыку, либо с помехой в виде чужой речи. Помеху и музыку имеет смысл подключать в районе нового года, когда вы почувствуете, что ваш стандарт уже сформирован и отработан.

4 Удачи – она тоже вам понадобится.

Task 3. Imagine that while travelling during your holidays you took some photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend.

  • when
  • what/who
  • what
  • why

I"ve chosen photo number...

Примерный ответ (фото №1):

I"ve chosen photo number 1.

  • I took this photo last summer when I went to London during my holidays.
  • In the foreground of this photo you can see the London Eye which is the largest observation wheel in Europe. It is located on the south bank of the river Thames. There are two motor boats on the river. In the background you can see some modern buildings.
  • As you can see the day is dull and gloomy and the sky is grey with clouds. It looks like it"s going to rain what is very typical for London. But nevertheless there are always a lot of people waiting for a ride on this popular attraction. There are 32 (thirty-two) capsules on the wheel which are rotating very slowly. Ech capsule contains 25 (twenty-five) people.
  • I took this photo because it is a well-known landmark of London. From the very top of the London Eye we had a stunning view of this magnificent city. We saw the river Thames, the Houses of Parliament with its famous Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and other sites.
  • As my friend has never been to London, I decided to show him this picture and to share all my impressions of this terrific flight with him.

That"s all I wanted to say.

Примерный ответ (фото № 3):

I"ve chosen photo number 3. (Обязательно начните ответ с этой фразы, предварительно выбрав номер фотографии.)

  • It is very lovely, isn"t it? I took this photo last summer when I went to Moscow to visit my relatives. It was my first trip to the capital of our country and I wanted to see as many historical places as possible.
  • In the background of this picture you can see the Cathedral of St.Basil the Blessed. Its tremendous domes struck my imagination. It"s unbelievable but none of them is like the others. Each dome has its own shape and colur. Once I have read a legend that Ivan the Terrible blinded the architects Barma and Postnik because he didn"t want them to create another masterpiece. There is a lot of greenery in the courtyard of the Cathedral. In front of the Cathedral there is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky.
  • The Cathedral and the monument are situated in Red Square. There are always a lot of tourists from different countries who want to visit these places. But now you cannot see any visitors because it was early morning.
  • I took this photo because these sights are famous landmarks of Moscow.
  • As my friend is fond of history and often makes reports for history classes, I think, he can use this picture for his school project.

That"s all I wanted to say. (Закончите свой ответ этой фразой, которая будет сигналом завершения коммуникации.)

Примерный ответ (фото № 2):

I"ve chosen photo number 2. (Обязательно начните ответ с этой фразы, предварительно выбрав номер фотографии).

Изучив примерные ответы, самостоятельно опишите фотографию № 2.

Как видно из приведенных ответов, вам понадобятся не только знания языка, но, возможно, и жизненный опыт. В случае если такового не окажется, что мало вероятно, воспользуйтесь своими знаниями из других предметов, например, истории, географии, литературы или искусства.

Итак, подведем итог:

1) Время на выполнение этого задания весьма ограничено – 1.5 минуты на подготовку и 2 минуты на ответ. Во время подготовки у Вас НЕ будет возможности делать какие-либо записи и пометки. Отсюда вывод – крайне полезно заучить необходимые клише для беглости речи:

  • In the picture you can see…
  • On the left / on the right of the picture…
  • In the foreground of the picture… (на переднем плане)
  • In the background of the picture… (на заднем плане)
  • In the middle of the picture… (в середине)
  • At the top of the picture… (вверху)
  • At the bottom of the picture… (внизу)
  • Next to (рядом с)
  • Behind (позади)
  • Near (около)
  • Under (под)
  • In front of (перед)

Уместными будут обороты There is.../There are… Хочу обратить внимание, что после оборота в ед. числе нужно употреблять неопределенный артикль “a” перед исчисляемыми существительными.

e. g. There is a ticket office near the Eiffel Tower.

2) Отвечая на вопрос плана “when you took the photo”, используйте Past Simple Tense (простое прошедшее время). Помните, что вы были фотографом , а поэтому (ну, конечно, если это не селфи) вам нужно описать людей на вашем фото (родственников, друзей, знакомых или незнакомых вам людей), а не себя любимого.

e. g. I took this photo two months ago when I went to Paris to study French.

3) Придерживайтесь заданной темы высказывания. Для этого внимательно ознакомьтесь с заданием. Например: Imagine that you are preparing a presentation about London (Russia) или Imagine that you are preparing a school newspaper about Art.

4) Отвечая на вопрос плана “what/who is in the photo”, постарайтесь описать не только внешний вид человека, но и, предположительно, его настроение (грустный – sad, счастливый – happy, серьезный – serious, злой – angry). Обратите внимание на погодные условия на фото (солнечный – sunny, жаркий – hot, теплый – warm, пасмурный – gloomy , дождливый – rainy, холодный – cold, морозный – frosty день). Назовите время года (месяц), когда вы сделали снимок.

5) Как видно вопрос What is happening in the picture? стоит в Present Progressive Tense, поэтому при описании происходящих событий на фотографии, используйте также глаголы в форме настоящего длительного времени, подкрепляя свой ответ фразой At this particular moment… (именно в этот момент…). Так же вы можете продолжить свое повествование в Past Simple Tense.

6) Продумайте несколько вариантов ответов на вопрос “why you took this photo”: I took this photo to remember the best moments and places of my journey. / I think this picture will remind me about my new foreign friends I met during my visit to Scotland (Italy, Egypt etc) and wonderful days we spent together.

7) Помните, ваше описание не должно быть слишком детальным, потому что вы можете не уложиться в отведенное для ответа время. В процессе подготовки записывайте свои ответы, а затем проговаривайте их, используя таймер. Таким образом, вы сформируете чувство времени, которое вам необходимо для ответа на задание 3 устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak not more than 2 minutes.

In your talk remember to speak about:

  • when you took the photo (когда вы сделали фото)
  • what/who is in the photo (кто/что на фото)
  • what is happening (что происходит на фото)
  • why you took photo (почему вы сделали это фото)
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend (почему вы решили показать эту фотографию своему другу)

You have to talk continuosly, starting with:

I"ve chosen photo number...

Sample answer (photo № 1)

I"ve chosen photo number 1.

(Обязательно начните ответ с этой фразы, предварительно выбрав номер фотографии).

  • I took this photo in one of the beautiful parks in Edinburgh when I was on my trip to Scotland two years ago. It is quite amazing, isn"t it?
  • In the foreground of the photo you can see two girlfriends spending their free time hanging around. They might study or work together. They seem to be in a good mood. They both are wearing all Scottish style suits, but the girl on the right who"s got blond hair is wearing a yellow tartan, while the girl on the left has got a black-and-white pattern. Moreover, she"s got an incredible hat which perfectly matches the rest of her clothing. The most stunning thing that caught my eye was her hair done in dreadlocks. In her right hand she is holding a black handbag made of leather.
  • In the background of the picture there are a lot of green trees with bushy (thick) crown. It was early September and it happened to be a very warm and sunny day. But nevertheless some people put on their jackets because the weather is very changeable and unpredictable on the British Isles. The man on the right who is wearing a checked shirt might be a tourist because he has got a blue backpack. As you can see at this particular moment the place is not overcrowded, so I think , it is great to enjoy your leisure time with your nearest and dearest in such a place.
  • I asked the girls to take their picture because I liked the style they were dressed up and I decided to show it to you because you are also keen on wearing unusual and freakish hats and maybe, the picture will give you some new ideas.
  • That is all I wanted to say

Sample answer (photo № 2):

I"ve chosen photo number 2.

(Обязательно начните ответ с этой фразы, предварительно выбрав номер фотографии).

  • I took this photo during my winter holidays when we went to the ski resort in the Caucasus. After the Winter Olympic Games 2014, Sochi attracts lots of tourists both from Russia and from around the world.
  • you can see two children: a boy and a girl. They came here from Novosibirsk. They told me that they had started to ski when they were only three years old, that"s why they look very confident on the snowy mountain slopes. The children are wearing bright ski suits made of special fabrics that protect them from cold and at the same time are very light that helps them move quickly. They also have all the necessary skiing equipment for this kind of sport such as alpine skis, plastic boots with special bindings, helmets, ski poles and goggle mounts.
  • you can see mountain peaks covered with snow and some kind of pines. You can"t see the mountains quite well from behind the clouds but it is a common phenomenon in this area.
  • At the very particular moment the children are learning a new downhill technique. And now they stopped for a while to take breath. Sometimes I saw them landing in a fall but they went to square one again and again. They didn"t give up, so I should admit that they have got strong willpower. As you can see they look very healthy and happy. I believe that it"s very useful to take up to sport from childhood. This will teach you to overcome difficulties in life, will teach you to win or to lose.
  • I took this photo because we made friends with the family from Novosibirsk and their cute kids and I want to remember the beautiful moments of my vacation.
  • I decided to show you this photo because I want you to appreciate these two young sportsmen and the beauty of the Caucasus Mountains.
  • That is all I wanted to say . (обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, свидетельствующая о завершении коммуникации)

Sample answer (photo № 3)

photo 3

I"ve chosen photo number 3.

(Обязательно начните ответ с этой фразы, предварительно выбрав номер фотографии).

  • I took this photo in London Zoo when I was on my trip to the UK a year ago. To tell the truth, I’m not very good at photography but this picture turned out to be a beautiful one.
  • In the foreground of the picture you can see a colony of pelicans. You can’t but agree with me that pelicans are large birds with very long beaks. They have a long neck and short stout legs with webbed feet. The tail is short and square. They have pale plumage with some grey feathers on the wings.
  • On the left of the picture there is a pond where the birds can swim. The zoo keeper told us a lot of interesting things about pelicans. She explained us that some species could make their nests in the trees while the others nest on the ground. It was interesting to know that they can fly but cannot dive because of their light skeleton. I also learnt that pelicans live up to 25 years in the wild and up to 40 years in captivity. But the most amazing fact is that pelicans never store their food in their throat pouch contrary to popular folklore. They use it for catching fish.
  • In the background of the picture you can see a girl taking photos. At this particular moment the birds are cleaning their feathers after being fed. Guess what! We were allowed to give them some fish and it was really exciting! All in all the weather was warmish and I had a great time there.
  • I took this photo because I had never seen those birds before in real life and wanted to remember all places I had visited in London.
  • I decided to show you this photo because you are interested in photography and have got a big collection of snapshots of birds. I think, it would be great if you could add my picture to it.
  • That’s all I wanted to say. (обязательная фраза для экзаменатора, свидетельствующая о завершении коммуникации)

Основные ошибки, которые допускают учащиеся при выполнении этого задания:

  • описание трех картинок вместо одной;
  • неправильная интерпретация содержания картинки;
  • отсутствие высказывания своего мнения о сюжете картинки;
  • отсутствие разговорных клише при описании картинки;

Задание 4 представляет собой монолог-сравнение двух фотографий или картинок.

Чтобы успешно выполнить это задание, нужно придерживаться предложенного плана:

  • дайте краткое описание фотографий (что происходит на картинке, место действия)
  • скажите, что общего у этих фотографий (какая тема их объединяет)
  • скажите, чем отличаются эти фотографии
  • выразите свое предпочтение по одной из фотографий
  • объясните, почему вам близка тема выбранной фотографии

Время на подготовку - 1.5 минуты

Продолжительность вашего ответа - 2 минуты

Максимальный балл - 7 баллов

Cледующие советы помогут вам составить логичное описание фотографий или картинок:

При описании комнаты или дома используйте прием справа-налево или слева-направо (so called «walking tour of the house»);

При описании фотографий или картин используйте прием слева-направо, справа-налево, от краев к центру, от переднего плана к заднему;

При описании человека используйте прием сверху-вниз или снизу-вверх.

Task4 Variant 1

  • explain why

Ответ начните с вступительной фразы:

I would like to compare and contrast these two photos. / I would like to point out right at the beginning that there are different ways of going in for sports. And these two photos prove that.

I should say that the common theme of these pictures is doing sports. / I think the common thing here is ... / I believe that the theme which relates these photos is ... / One thing that picture 1 and picture 2 have in common is ...

Примерный ответ:

Let me start with the first picture which shows a little girl who is in the gym at the moment. The girl is going to play table tennis because she is carrying a red tennis racket in her hand. As we can see the gym is well equipped. In the middle of the gym there is a big blue table with a tennis net on it. In the background of the picture you can see some sports facilities such as flying rings, a gymstick, a rope, a hoop and others. All in all, it seems to me that the gym is quite large and light.

As for the second picture it shows a young man running in the field. It might be summer time because he is wearing a green t-shirt, black shorts and white sports shoes. Also, he is wearing a watch on his wrist for timing his heats. Though the sky is blue and the weather is warm and sunny you can see two mountain peaks covered with snow in the background of the picture.

As I"ve already mentioned both pictures are connected with doing sports. You can"t but agree with me that both - a girl and a young man look fit and healthy.

Obviously, we can see certain (some) differences. The first picture shows a little girl whose hobby is playing tennis. On the contrary, the man in the second picture is a professional sportsman as he looks very sporty and strong. Besides, the first picture shows the girl who is playing tennis indoors while the young man is going in for sports in the open air . Moreover, table tennis is a team game and you need at least one more person to play it with. As to the track-and- field athletics, you can do it on your own.

As for me, I"d prefer to take up to table tennis because I am fond of doing sports with my best friends or relatives. Secondly , this game develops quick thinking and reaction. Finally , you can do it outdoors as well as indoors and bad weather cannot spoil the pleasure.

In conclusion, I would like to say that both pictures make me think that sport is a great way to spend your free time and, of course, it is useful for your health.

That"s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. / That"s where I"d like to end. (заключительная фраза)

Всего получилось 25 фраз. Необходимо строить свой ответ так, чтобы уложиться в отведенное для ответа время (2 мин). Рекомендованное количество фраз: 12 -15 , но не менее. Помните, что вступительная и заключительная фразы оцениваются экспертами; их отсутствие негативно повлияет на вашу оценку.

Task 4 Variant 2

Study the photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which kind of the activities presented in the pictures you"d prefer
  • explain why

Ответ начните с вступительной фразы:

I would like to point out right at the beginning that I will compare and contrast these pictures.

I believe that the theme which relates these photos is a life style of the youth.

Let me start with the first picture that shows a group of young people who are at work now. The man on the right and a young woman in a black suit are sitting around the table while the woman in a beautiful white suit is standing at the moment. Unfortunately, I can’t see the face of their boss who is giving them some instructions. They are listening to him very attentively. It looks as if they are ready to make some notes because you can see pads (notebooks) in front of them.

As for the second picture I have the impression that the group of young people is enjoying their free time sitting on the grass. I can only guess that they might be co-students at the international language school because you can see them carrying their workbooks. They are probably having their break time now. As the weather is warm and sunny, they decided to spend it in the school yard. They all are smiling and look very happy so I think they did their test successfully.

I should say that the only similarity between picture 1 and picture 2 is that they depict young people who are practically of the same age.

One of the main differences between pictures is that in the left picture you can see two men and two women (four people) working in the office, whereas in the right picture there are two girls and a boy who are having a rest in the open air. The most obvious difference for me between these two pictures is people’s clothes. For example, people in the first picture are wearing suits according to the dress code of their firm, while people in the right picture are wearing casual clothes such as jeans, jumpers and trainers.

As for me, I would rather go to a language school because my dream is to speak English fluently. Moreover, it would be interesting to make some new friends from abroad.

To sum it up, I would like to say that to work or to study together with smart and intelligent people is always great pleasure.

(завершающая фраза)

Task 4 Variant 3

Study the photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which kind of the activities presented in the pictures you"d prefer
  • explain why

Ответ начните со вступительной фразы:

I would like to compare and contrast these two photos.

I think the common thing here is classical music.

Photo 1

Let me start with the first picture which shows a young girl who is performing on the stage at the moment. She is wearing a white blouse and a dark skirt. She is playing the grand piano together with a string orchestra. In the background of the picture there is a beautiful organ . In the foreground of the picture you can see a lot of spectators. That’s why I can say that music is not just her hobby but she is involved in it very seriously.

As for the second picture it also shows a young girl playing the piano. She looks very elegant in her black velvet dress. As you can see she is wearing glasses. In the background of the picture you can see a portrait of a famous composer. Unfortunately I’m not very good at classical music that’s why I don’t know his name. Under the portrait there is a basket of lovely roses, so I can only guess that it might be the anniversary of the composer.

As I have already mentioned the theme which relates both pictures is classical music . The most obvious similarity between photo 1 and photo 2 is the musical instrument the girls are playing and it is a piano. It is evident that the girls are practically of the same age. In my opinion, they might be very talented.

You can’t but agree with me that the main difference between picture 1 and picture 2 is that the girl in the first picture is performing in a big concert hall whereas the girl in the second picture is playing the piano in a small room.(It is probably the classroom in a local Art School.) Besides , the girls are wearing different items of clothes. Last but not least , in the first picture you can see a lot of audience while in the second picture we cannot see any listeners.

As for me, I would rather go to a big concert hall because I’ve always wanted to listen to the organ.

Summarizing, I may say that it is great to have a good ear for music and play a musical instrument because music always makes your life brighter. (23)

That’s where I’d like to end. (завершающая фраза)

Задание 4 из раздела Говорение на ЕГЭ 2015 по английскому языку, используйте следующие выражения:

Firstly - во-первых

Secondly - во-вторых

Thirdly - в-третьих

Moreover - более того

It seams to me / It looks like / It might be - Мне кажется/Должно быть

I can only guess - Могу предположить

If I"m not mistaken - Если я не ошибаюсь...

I"m not sure exactly (what this is) but ... - Я не уверен точно, что это, но...

As for me / To my mind / In my opinion / I think / I believe / Personally - Что касается меня/По моему мнению/Я думаю / Я уверен / Лично я...

In contrast / Unlike ... - В отличие

The most apparent/obvious difference (similarity) between photo 1 and photo 2 is ... - Наиболее очевидное различие (сходство) между фото 1 и фото 2 ...

The main difference/similarity between picture 1 and picture 2 is ... - Основное отличие/сходство между фото 1 и фото 2 ...

The only difference/similarity is ... - Единственное отличие/сходство...

To sum it up I would like to say that ... - Подводя итог, хочу сказать...

All in all, it"s evident ... - В общем, очевидно...

Summarizing, I may say that ... - Подводя итог, можно сказать, что...

Основные ошибки, которые допускают учащиеся во время выполнения задания 4:

  • описание сюжета двух картинок, а не их сравнение;
  • отсутствие выделения общих и отличительных характеристик картинок;
  • отсутствие выражения отношения к картинкам;
  • отсутствие вступительной и заключительной фраз;
  • отсутствие разговорных клише при сравнении картинок;
  • фонетические и лексико-грамматические ошибки в ответе.

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You are considering joining the Yoga Club

1) address of the club

2) opening days

3) if they offer classes for the aged people or for the young

4) fee per week

5) morning training programs

Советы по выполнению задания:

Чтобы успешно выполнить данное задание, необходимо повторить тему построения вопросов в английском языке : все подробности

Вопрос должен соответствовать поставленной задаче.

Вопрос должен произноситься с интонацией, соответствующей типу задаваемого вопроса, например - повышаться в общих вопросах и понижаться в специальных вопросах.

Вы можете задать все пять вопросов одного типа (например, специальные вопросы Special questions ); это не повлияет на вашу оценку.

Примерный ответ:

После пробного экзамена по устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку, стало очевидным, что возможности начать условный диалог-расспрос нижеприведенными фразами не представляется возможным!!!

На экране компьютера поочередно будут появляться каждый из пяти пунктов задания. У Вас будет всего 20 секунд, для того чтобы построить ПРЯМОЙ ВОПРОС, поэтому, не отвлекаясь, приступайте к заданию.

1) What is the address of the yoga club?/ Where is the club situated?

2) What are the opening days?/ What days is the club open?/ When is the club open?

3) Do you offer classes for the aged people or for the young only?

4) How much is the training program per week?/ What is the training fee per week?

5) You have got morning training programs, haven"t you? / Are there any morning traning programs? / Have you got any morning programs?

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You have decided to celebrate your birthday in the restaurant and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) availability of table for 10 people for Sunday afternoon

2) if booking is free

3) kinds of meat dishes on the menu

4) variety of dessert they serve

5) place to dance

Sample answer:

1) Is a table for 10 people available for Sunday afternoon? / Can I book a table for 10 people for Sunday afternoon?

2) Is booking free? / Should I pay for reservation? / Is booking free or should I pay for reservation? / Booking is free, isn"t it?

3) What meat dishes do you have on the menu in your restaurant?

4) What do you serve for dessert? / What desserts do you serve?

5) Where can we dance? / Is htere any place to dance? / Do you have any place to dance? / You"ve got some place to dance, haven"t you?

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You are going to visit the fashion show and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) how to get there

2) if you can book tickets on-line

3) price of the tickets

4) information about the clothes

5) opportunity to buy any items of clothing

Sample answer:

1) How can I get to the college?

2) Can I book tickets on your website?/ Can I book tickets on-line? / Is there any possibility to book tickets on-line? / Are the tickets available online?

3) What is the price of the tickets? / How much are the tickets? / How much do the tickets cost? / The price of the tickets is not very high, isn"t it? / The tickets are not very expensive, are they?

4) Where can I find information about the clothes on the show? / Is there any information about the clothes on your website? / I can find some information about the clothes on your website, can"t I?

5) Will I have the opportunity to buy any items of clothing after the show?